This afternoon Chester's burial took place in a pet cemetery, thirty-minutes from home.
Seeing Chester one last time gave me so much closure but also shattered any denial that I'd created surrounding his death, shunting me into the realization that he is never, ever coming back. Chester looked so peaceful and relaxed and I miss him so very much!
Re-opening the wounds that had somewhat been mentally covered over in the past week since Chester's death, I fear moving forward with my life on account of forgetting how good my time was with him: Chester was my beloved doggy for so many years and in those times I always swore I'd never really cope without his gentle, brown eyes looking up at me each day.
Last week I told you all how I had been suffering constant nausea and a feeling of 'fullness' since Chester's death and as a result I'd planned to book a doctors appointment. Being able to eat more in the past few days means I've put booking THAT appointment on hold; will the 'stress' diagnosis really come as a surprise?
Emetophobia Recovery System
Instead to try and tackle my overflowing emotions I've bitten the bullet and started the Emetophobia Recovery System, developed by Rich Presta and Dr. Cheryl Lane.
I literally bought the Program online yesterday (Tuesday) for $97 (which is approximately £63) and began reading the supplied Manual almost immediately: my Emetophobia has become so bad in recent weeks that I've stopped living and merely exist; to fear being sick all-waking hours is physically and mentally exhausting and I'm just not happy to continue that way anymore.
Admittedly early days with the Program, I'll be interested to see the outcome of the System and will of course publish my progress in due course.
University Beckons!
I'm back to University on Monday (more about that on Sunday) and as such want to create a much more definitive time scale for when Articles are to be published on the site; I'm planning to put out new content every Sunday and an occasional post on Wednesday afternoons!
In between that time you can catch up with me on Twitter @survivingemet.
I hope you're all well!
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