Sunday, April 14, 2013

Public Speaking II: The Returning Nightmare

In January I wrote about how I was expected to give a ten-minute presentation as part of my course. In the article I also revealed the outcome of that day, much of which was spent in a store cupboard having ran away.

As if a sequel to that soul-destroying event, lo and behold this term I face yet another upcoming presentation day that can only be called "The Returning Nightmare".

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chester's Burial and I'm Starting the Emetophobia Recovery System!

This afternoon Chester's burial took place in a pet cemetery, thirty-minutes from home.

Seeing Chester one last time gave me so much closure but also shattered any denial that I'd created surrounding his death, shunting me into the realization that he is never, ever coming back. Chester looked so peaceful and relaxed and I miss him so very much!

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Constant Nausea, Fullness and Why I'm Booking a Doctor's Appointment

Two weeks ago I woke up in the morning feeling nauseated following an end-of-term party.

Not thinking too much about it - considering the fact I'd drunk a small amount of alcohol during the party the previous evening - You can imagine my despair as I type this a fortnight later, still suffering the nausea and a constant feeling of being full.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Some Sad News

On Monday 1st April at 6:30pm my dog Chester of fourteen years was put to sleep.

Despite being a ripe old age, Chester's sudden deterioration (he fell ill the previous Wednesday and didn't wake up from his life-saving operation on Monday) followed by his death, has shuddered me into a state of grief.