Friday, January 11, 2013

Bach Rescue Remedy (Spray) for Emetophobia?

It's favored by Celebrities across the Land for getting them through life's stressful moments.

But can Bach's Rescue Remedy (Spray) really help to relieve the anxieties and pressures an Emetophobe must face?

So a little back story for you:

I first used Bach's Rescue Remedy Spray on the morning I was starting Universtiy back in September 2011.

At the time I payed something like £7 for the stuff from my local Boots store.

It is essentially made up of five flowers (or at least the essences of them); Rock Rose (for terror and panic), Impatiens (for irritation and impatience), Clematis (for focus issues), Star of Bethlehem (for shock) and Cherry Plum (for irrational thoughts and self control).

So you've probably already lost all respect for this so called Rescue Remedy - after all "How can a 'Star of Bethlehem' stop me having a panic attack?"

Don't worry because in the next section I talk about the good - and bad - effects of using the Remedy!

What's it like to use:

So essentially when you first spray Rescue Remedy onto your tongue you'll taste an alarming yet soothing scent of Brandy which is apparently because the ingredients are retained in 27% grape alcohol during manufacturing - you're supposed to spray twice so be careful not to get carried away!

So what I find after those first few sprays is the feeling of an overwhelming sense of calm, almost as if all  panic simply blows away like leaves on a windy day. The very quick shift from feeling stress and panic to being calm and relaxed is always quite remarkable and allows for some rationality back.

Seconds later however that feeling of calm and control that Rescue Remedy gives fades away, always leaving me to suffer once more - certainly the impulse to spray again and again - far more than the two sprays as instructed on the box and label - is often too overwhelming.


Looking around the Rescue Remedy website I'm not able to find anything that says the product will work on anxieties caused by Phobias, only claiming to ease stress caused by "varied demands in your life" and "the bigger life-changing events".

I suppose that's not surprising, it would be foolish to claim an over-the-counter product could scratch the surface of a Phobia that never really leaves.

But still despite its momentary working, when I eventually run out of Rescue Remedy Spray (I've still got a little left from the bottle I bought back in 2011) I'll be buying a new one.

Whilst I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a product that'll put them up on cloud nine for the rest of the day, I can't ignore the fact that knowing you've got Rescue Remedy Spray at arms reach can give as much relief as actually using the stuff.

And if £7 can give you that relief surely it's money well spent?

Have you used Rescue Remedy Spray? Did it help You?

Rescue Remedy Website:


  1. I bought the pastilles a while back and have been too scared to try one. Side effects etc.

  2. I've never tried the pastilles but if the Spray is anything to go by you shouldn't experience any side effects! From what I've researched the pastilles are made up of similar ingredients to the little gummy sweets you can buy - with the main five flower essences infused - so I wouldn't worry about any side effects!

    Hope you're feeling better soon :D
