With the dreaded N recently back in the news I can't help but think about over-the-counter drugs and how they will be a life line should anything 'bad' happen.
So much so a small part of me is inclined to stock up just so that I have tablets here at home in case of any eventuality.
Flip side I can't think of anything worse.
Just thinking about 'Stocking Up' raises my anxiety level.
After all in the spirit of Positive Thinking, I can't help but feel that purposely buying the tablets is affirming that I will at some point experience 'the nightmare' and therefore have to use them?
The only way I can think of getting around this would be by buying tablets on a casual basis; so for example if I'm passing a shop in town I'd pop in and buy a box of tablets.
And then next time I'd buy another box so that my collection gradually increases.
That way I'm actually stocking up for everyday use rather than preparing for illness.
Which, I'd like to state for the interest of my anxiety levels, is something I won't experience.
Am I being too irrational or are you also in turmoil about stocking up?
Hope everyone is well!
Picture source: Diet Change
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