Sunday, December 23, 2012

Surviving Emetophobia Blog: My Escape

I've not written any new content on this Blog for the best part of a year.

Despite negelecting the one place that was once my Escape, the only medium where I could really blurt out my Emetophobia feelings and emotions, there was a good reason behind my break: my Phobia actually got better.

I'm Serious!

For the best part of 2012 my Emetophobia was under control.

I was able to do all the things I had stopped myself from doing in the past few years, more prominently I had started drinking a small amount of alcohol when I fancied.

But then October came around and I experienced a night of hell, one that I will tell you all about later on - maybe in the Spring when I'm feeling less anxious and more time has passed.

Ultimately in the past few months I've felt the true terror of Emetophobia creep back up on me - probably coinciding with Winter and the return of the fun bugs that come with it.

In early 2013 I plan to visit my doctor and ask for anxiety tablets and depending on how I feel may ask to be referred to London's Maudsley Hospital for C.B.T (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). I'm also more than likely going to book some sessions of Hypnotherapy.

So I plan to use this blog as a place to once again vent my journey as a sufferer of this debilitating Phobia, updating as often as possible each week of the year and hope you will join me so that we can cope together!

Steve. B. Somers.